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LinkedIn Character Counter

Your post is 0 characters long.
3000 characters remaining.
Post: 0 / 3000
Company Post: 0 / 700
Message: 0 / 300
About Section: 0 / 2600

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professionals to connect, share insights, and build their personal brand. When crafting posts on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep in mind the character limit to ensure your message is concise and impactful. In this blog post, we will discuss the LinkedIn post character limit, how to check it online, and some tips for optimizing your posts.

Understanding LinkedIn Character Limit

LinkedIn has specific character limits for different types of posts. For example, a text post can have up to 1,300 characters, including spaces and punctuation. This limit encourages users to be clear and concise in their messaging. For longer-form content, you can use the LinkedIn article feature, which allows for more extensive writing.

Importance of Staying Within the Limit

Staying within the character limit is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that your message is easily digestible for your audience. Users scrolling through their feed are more likely to engage with a concise post than a lengthy one. Additionally, adhering to the character limit demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively and respect your readers’ time.

Checking Your Character Count Online

There are several online tools available to help you check the character count of your LinkedIn posts. These tools allow you to paste your text and instantly see how many characters you’ve used. By using a character limit checker, you can ensure that your posts are within the guidelines before publishing them.

LinkedIn Messaging Symbols

When crafting a post on LinkedIn, it’s essential to pay attention to the use of symbols. Some symbols may take up more characters than others, so it’s best to avoid using them excessively. Emojis, for example, can add a fun touch to your posts but may also impact your character count.

Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Posts

Here are some tips to help you optimize your LinkedIn posts:

  • Keep it concise: Stick to the character limit to ensure your message is clear and to the point.
  • Use visuals: Incorporate images or videos to make your posts more engaging.
  • Include a call to action: Prompt your audience to engage with your post by asking a question or inviting them to share their thoughts.
  • Proofread: Check your post for spelling and grammar errors before publishing to maintain a professional image.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages to foster connections and build relationships.


In conclusion, understanding the LinkedIn post character limit and using online tools to check your character count can help you optimize your posts for maximum impact. By staying within the guidelines, paying attention to messaging symbols, and following best practices for content creation, you can enhance your presence on LinkedIn and connect with your target audience more effectively.